The AR-15.50 isn’t favoured often as it’s a semi-automatic rifle, but it’s incredibly strong for longer lines of sight such as holding the server wall on Clubhouse or the garage wall on Chalet. This versatility extends to the rest of his kit. On key maps like Clubhouse and Consulate he makes bringing wall denial virtually pointless. Not only can he create lines of sight without needing to clear out defender denial, like Mute jammers and Kaid claws, but he can also replace an Ace or a Thermite if you have a soft breacher working with you thanks to the Maverick trick – a method of removing the reinforcement by destroying its anchor points. Playing as Maverick requires a lot of practice if you want to safely and efficiently open up reinforced surfaces, but once you have mastered his gadget then he becomes one of the strongest attackers in the game. We update this list of Rainbow Six Siege operators regularly to best reflect the game’s live meta, so rest assured these really are Tom Clancy’s finest operators and we’ll update this guide when the North Star release date rolls around, part of the Rainbow Six Siege Year 6 roadmap. You will also have to unlock new operators using in-game currency that you can earn through completing matches and ticking off daily challenges, so it is good to know which ones to snap up first in order to make collecting the remaining operators even faster. Currently, there are 60 Rainbow Six Siege operators to unlock and use in the game. Owing to the game’s asymmetric multiplayer gameplay, Rainbow Six Siege operators come in two flavours: attackers and defenders. But what are the best Rainbow Six Siege operators? We have been training with the elite troopers in order to find out. The depth comes from numerous places: the destructible environments, the design of the maps, but primarily from the unique gadgets, stats, and loadouts offered by each of its playable operators.

Rainbow Six Siege is a complex shooter – perhaps one of the most intricately designed multiplayer games being played right now.